“Forget” the doctor in the hospital! Public health, for laughter and for tears

An incredible incident that shows the signs of the decline of the… health benefits in the public structures of the country, and which proves that there is no bottom to the barrel of the depreciation happened last night at the Venizelio Hospital. The protagonist of the incident the on-call physician of the Health Centre of Anogia that accompanied last night the 21-year-old from the Λειβάδεια with symptoms of the virus γρίπηςμεταφέρθηκε in the hospital as he revealed the cretalive.
The Health Center mobilized immediately when I noted the incident, but they didn’t have an ambulance to transfer him. The incident has been alerted, an AMBULANCE sent an ambulance from Heraklion to transport the patient to the hospital. When it was introduced to the patient in the ED of Βενιζελείου and the incident got in his way, the doctor asked the crew of the AMBULANCE to return him back. They explained that they couldn’t do something like that since their headquarters is the city of Heraklion and left!
In vain the doctor tried to explain that the Health Center could not be left uncovered and had to urgently return to base. Then αποτάνθηκε to some of the relatives of the patient to take with them in the village of Anogia, but no one was available to serve him and after I saw απόειδε asked for help from the director of the Centre that serves to consult what it will do, and he asked him to take a taxi, which obviously would pay the same out of pocket to return the call !
Greece 2016 where an entire region of Mylopotamos is without an ambulance and need to be mobilized from the city of Heraklion and the doctor to live … suicide at the hospital there is no way to return to the call. Listening to I wonder?