For the rural action: Blockades everywhere in the cities and in the villages for work-food-freedom

Field of social confrontation with the memoranda, the power-sharing SYRIZA-ANEL and the EU are being made these days, the rural areas of the whole country…
The ever-increasing cost of production, the wild taxation, increases in insurance contributions and the noose is constantly tightening for the poor peasantry of the provisions of the CAP, the so-called “Register” and the premium of the major αγροτοδιατροφικών giants (local and multinational), threaten to change the map overall production, with consequences, not just for farmers but for the whole population of the country.
The φτωχομεσαίοι farmers must defend their right to work and, by extension, to live with dignity in their place, against the government plans and the aggressive support capital about a century after the abolition of estates, seeking to build a new one. From this point of view, this race needs is a continuation and strengthening of the struggle of workers and unemployed people in the cities against layoffs, unpaid work, the starvation wages and the working conditions of a type of galley.
The new onslaught against the world of small and medium-sized producers, has nothing to do with a “fair tax” as in a hurry to bang various parakeets of the system. Their aim is the concentration of land and wealth in the hands of business cycles at the expense of medium-sized farmers and fishermen, workers and μικροεπαγγελματιών of αγροτοδιατροφικού sector.
This process is accomplished by the regulations of the EU, and the orientation of the subsidies, the allocation of which long pays the lion’s share of the large farmers and the industry (80% of the subsidy reaches in the hands of 20% of farmers…). A consequence of all these, it will be the even greater removal of agricultural production from meeting the nutritional needs of the people of etoytoy place, the quality degradation of a series of agricultural products, and the rise of the price of a series of basic food goods in the context of profitability and competitiveness.
THE ANT.NO.YOU.A calls the φτωχομεσαία peasantry to collide with the μνημονιακό camp of the SYRIZA-ANEL-ND-PASOK-RIVER. Don’t be fooled by the demagogy of the Golden Dawn, drinking in the name of the euro and the European Union.
THE ANT.NO.YOU.A call in roadblocks match and coordinate joint action , in front of a struggle medium-sized farmers – agricultural workers – employees – youth, for the overthrow of the CAP of the EU, the memoranda and the government which applies them.
For the cancellation of the debt, the nationalisation – nationalisation, without compensation, of banks and of enterprises of strategic importance of the αγροτοδιατροφικού sector. For the exit from the euro and the eu.E. and the equivalence in international relations. For the creation of democratic primary production cooperatives with substantial state aid. For a single public body, the food and central planning of agricultural production, based on grass-roots needs, the dietary needs of the people, against the double exploitation of the farmer and the consumer.
For the anti-capitalist subversion of the attack, for a new society in the hands of the workers village and city, of the producers of social wealth.

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