Food and emergency supplies to refugees from the Region of Western Greece

The Region of Western Greece in cooperation with the… Association Ελληνοσερβικής Friendship Achaia-Nafpaktia and the Holy Metropolis of Patras made the first step in order to assist the refugees.
With means of transport and personnel in the Region, material humanitarian aid (food and clothing) shall be transferred for distribution to various support structures for refugees in Northern Greece.
“In the midst of an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, national governments are dragging their feet and trying to minimize their obligations and to transfer the burden to others. In contrast to these Regions, while they do not have the necessary resources and means, and even in the midst of economic problems, they stand actively in the humanitarian needs and raise the burden of this humanitarian crisis. Now is the time more than ever to join forces with government and stakeholders, in order to support people at this difficult time experiencing the cruelty of war and uprooting from their homes,” stressed the district chief Apostle Κατσιφάρας.
On his part, the vice-governor of Bc.E. Achaia Grigoris Alexopoulos notes: “In this way we’re actively expressing our solidarity with the refugee issue and we are confident that all citizens will contribute to the maximum in their respective efforts” by filling :”this initiative was started by the president of the association Ελληνοσερβικής Friendship, Dean Ερμόλαο Μασσαρά, I want to thank him personally and say that we will be here to support such actions”.

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