Florides for Tembi: “For the rubble those who talk about basses” – “SYRIZA voted against a provision that allowed the interrogator to listen to the sound”

In high tons was the speech of the Minister of Justice in the House during the debate on the . Especially on the Tempe the Minister of Justice stressed that Syriza had voted against the provision that would allow the interrogator to conduct an investigation without limits for the accident in Tempe. Addressing the opposition he said: “The provision brought by the government to enable interrogators to hear every conversation, which was not foreseen by law, you did not vote for it. You who are interested in revealing the truth and transparency. And with you, the other hypocrites didn’t vote for her. Gentlemen of NIC and ladies. And of course the Communist Party who voted for nothing in general,” said George Florides. On another point and referring to the motion of censure he argued: “You expected there to be a signal from somewhere – extra-institutional – to submit a motion of censure,” while for the leadership of Syriza he stressed that “it has nothing to do with the third Greek Republic.” “The wording of the view that we need foreign observers does not only come from your leader, but it was followed by Mr. Farantouris who appealed to the European prosecutor to bring down the Greek government: you are asking for foreign forces intervention because you with 12% cannot drop it and someone must come from outside to do so.” “The place is in trouble, imagine. Oh, what soils are these?” Florides said and accused progressive arc parties of “left-wing fascism”. In fact, he attacked the opposition for the crime in Tempes, saying that “it’s for the rubble those of politicians use this dome thing for the plugs.”

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