Five tips to get rid permanently from the dandruff

The dandruff is usually a result of fungal growth in the… scalp, accompanied by itching and the characteristic white flakes landing on the shoulders.
See some simple steps you can follow to get rid of the nuisance, in accordance with the
1. Wash your hair more often
Even if your hair does not lubricate after three or four days without shampooing, you need to… make peace with the shampoo in order to remove the white flakes, and not dirty your clothes. Consult your pharmacist to suggest an antidandruff product that suits your hair type and the size of the problem.
2. Treat stress
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, and every skin condition, so it and the dandruff is getting worse because of stress. The easiest way to experience the daily stress is regular exercise.
3. Watch your diet
Reduce intake of bad fats, particularly those derived from the sweets and dairy. These foods promote the production of sebum and thus exacerbate the dandruff. On the other hand, add to your diet more foods rich in B vitamins (the lack of these vitamins is associated with the appearance of dandruff) and foods containing good fats, such as fish and poultry.
4. Check the environment of the house
The dryness of the skin of the scalp promotes the formation of white flakes, the same applies, however, when the levels of humidity in the environment is increased. The heat and sweating of the head increase the production of grease, so in this case need more frequent shampooing.
5. To massage the scalp
Use a few drops of natural oil (coconut, almond, jojoba) directly to the skin of the skull and gently massage with the fingertips. In this way, it will relieve the skin and also will remove the white flakes. Be careful not to rub with force and don’t come the claws in contact with the skin of the skull.

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