First to students from Pieria in entrepreneurship

Two very important awards won by team “Smileybin” high School psila Alonia, Pieria…
in the european competition for student innovation and entrepreneurship “Company of the Year” of Junior Achievement Europe, held in Lucerne, Switzerland. The 15χρονοι Greek students -the younger contestants, and from the smallest school – they managed to win the top innovation award of the tender, the “Life Changer Signature Award”.
“To “SmileyBin”, the student start-up from Greece impressed the judges with its innovation, ecological and social objectives but also the innovative business plan” as referred to in the relevant notice.
“We are very happy that we won this very important prize of representing Greece,” said the student Iordanis Paschalidis. “‘Life Changer Singnature Award” is awarded to the most innovative business that has the potential to change for the better the lives of the people. For the group of the “Smileybin” this has a double message. We change people’s lives by offering them a more clean environment with smart bin, but at the same time this prize is changing our own lives, as well as highlights at european level of the innovative business our effort”.
Great success was the conquest of the award Leading Personality of the student of high School psila Alonia, Pieria, Maria Κοκκάλα. Maria stood out among 275.000 children who participated this year pan-european program student “Virtual Business” and was awarded with the “Leadership Award” along with just nine other children.
“They gave me congratulations for the great maturity to me, despite his young age. I’m excited for this innovative product and the discrimination of us here in the great european contest we have made our very own Greece,” said the 15-year-old Maria.
The first prize in the contest was won by Denmark with the application for mobile phones SubReader, which helps people with dyslexia to read subtitles on tv and cinema. The second prize was awarded to the team Irdify from Slovakia and the third in the group Enlighten Hope from the United Kingdom.
The children have sketched out this impressive journey from the village of Alonia of Pieria until the european awards in Lucerne, watching, in the course of the school year, the educational program “Virtual Business”. On the road to success they encountered major difficulties, but the exceeded. “We are award-winning entrepreneurs at the european level anymore. The future is much more optimistic for us,” said student Helen Γεωργή.
The program “Virtual Enterprise” takes place in Greece more than 10 years by the non-profit educational organization “Association of Youth Entrepreneurship/Junior Achievement Greece”, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and with the support of institutions, organizations and enterprises.