Fan of Menegaki the veteran from Marina Satti’s video clip

The “Zari” with which Greece will represent this year has caused… a mess since the day it was published. Sense and conversation has also caused the video clip with which Marina Satti “dressed” her piece for Eurovision. In the video clip, an American veteran, who has been spotted by eurofans, is also starring! The American retired spoke on the show “Eleni” and declared… Helen Menegaki fan! “Marina asked me if I would like to play in her video clip and of course I said “yes”. The film was fantastic and Marina treated me perfectly. I loved the song, he will win,” he said. “I have been recognized several times and they sing to me “the, the, the”. I’ve retired from the U.S. Army. I was stationed on the American base in Greek. When I retired, I returned to Greece to live here. I’m a big fan of Mrs Menegaki. One of my favorite shows is the one with Maria Menunos interview”.