Experiencing pain you find happiness

It is natural for every man to want to enjoy a life filled with positive energy. Unfortunately, most people can’t realize this goal and the …
cause is the family and social norms imposed on them and accept as they grow up. Happiness is a subjective feeling and varies from person to person and depends on how one sees things. Yes, the following article of Mary Μαρκουλιδάκη, we read that it can meet the happiness through the pain.
Happiness is perhaps the greatest desire of all people. If you ask any man what he wants in his life, he’ll say that he just wants to be happy. Happiness was always the most important objective of every human being, but most people are unhappy with their lives. We often hear that happiness is lack of stress and sadness, don’t be afraid of what will happen, to be secure, there is something that hurts you. However, happiness is not only this. Can when you’re in pain, you don’t think I will feel ever happy. And yet, experiencing the pain you find happiness.
Happiness is not something same for everyone. It is something individual to each person. The basic condition of happiness is, well, to get to know yourself. The body and mind tend to resist anything that tries to change them, passing through the process of pain, making the person to avoid the effort to be happy.
In order to achieve true happiness, one has to choose the pain could turn into pleasure. So, the mind and the body will be trained, and will come the harmony between the body, mind and soul. A typical example is the need to remove people who are toxic for your life. You will experience the pain of their loss, but that will lead, ultimately, to joy.
A moment of grief can be revealing. It can make you to see clearly for the first time, to wake you up. Nothing will ever be the same. The sadness comes when things change, a relationship ends, someone dies, you get fired from a job, an illness ails you. Change is the only constant in life. Until you learn to accept the change and the pain, you will suffer. But then comes the true happiness. Through this pain, you will learn to appreciate each precious moment of life.
The relief from the pain, it only increases feelings of happiness but, also, reduces feelings of sadness. The pain may not be a pleasant experience, but it builds happiness in ways that the pleasure and just just cannot achieve.


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