Eurostat: The second lowest purchasing power in Europe has Greeks

Second since the end of the 27 countries of the European Union ( ) Greece was found in 2023 in terms of the index of per capita gross domestic product ( ) expressed in purchasing power standards. Bulgaria from all EU countries (average 100) held the last place in GDP per capita with 64 points, and Greece followed with 67 points. Overall, in 2023, significant differences were recorded in per capita GDP expressed in purchasing power parities between EU countries as Bulgaria recorded the lowest performance, 36% below the EU average, followed only by Greece (-33% from average) and Latvia (-29%). On the other hand, Luxembourg and Ireland had the highest levels (140% and 112% above the EU average, respectively), well above the Netherlands (30% above the EU average), Denmark (+28%) and Austria (+23%). This information comes from the extraordinary estimates of purchasing power parities and GDP for 2023 published by Eurostat today.

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