European Commission: FOR EXTENDING THE PERIOD OF WORK … You would work until they die pretext Posted LIMIT Life expectancy …

(Title) favor of a general increase in the retirement age in the European Union to prevent the eruption of the system and support the public finances of Member States, already suffering from the crisis , supports the European Commission.
«The assertion that the time spent in preparing a will continue to increase over the year’s work will help the sustainability of the pension funds’ refers to a European Commission report that presented Wednesday.
«This means to increase the age at which someone stops working and starts to enjoy his pension,” added the letter – a copy obtained by AFP.

It The European Commission argues that “extending the period of work, taking into account the increase in life expectancy will be allowed to list two benefits: a better life and more sustainable pension systems».
the last fifty years, life expectancy increased by an average of 5 years in EU countries and projections show that by 2060 there could be a new increase in seven years.
same time, have very low birth rates. As a result, today represent four workers for every person over 65 years in Europe, by 2060 the match would be two to one.
In 2008 the average retirement age in the EU was 61.4 years.

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