Europa: The Saviour Kalyvatsis makes me a lot of casserole for what I make

‘ I have painted paintings with flowers from very young” said . The camera Happy Day and Christiana Kochlatzi welcomed Europa to her cottage in Eretria. The beloved actress spoke about what they have made with her partner, Saviour Kalyvatsis there and about the teasing she makes for the paintings she makes. “The yard is called “Bothrow Square” because below here is a cesspool. In the summer we decided and made it with a walnut plate. The Saviour Kalyvatsis gives names to everything, as he calls them Dalton here. The last one is watered more and is bigger” said Europa. I was packing pallets and I wanted to make something useful outside the door because I hang things. We had stationery and detergents in Kallithea. I took scales and decorated it with flowers. I’ve painted paintings with flowers from a very young girl. The Savior calls them authentic Lupi. It makes me a lot of casserole with the paintings and generally everything I make” added, among other things, Europa.

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