Eurojackpot draws 21m euros tonight – Deposit of cards by 19:00 exclusively at OPAP stores

An amount of 21m euros is claimed by Eurojackpot players in tonight’s draw, to be held at 21:15. Those who wish to claim the great prize of the game can deposit their cards until 19:00, at OPAP stores throughout Greece. The deposit of cards is made both on the OPAP store service benches, and through the OPAP Store App app. All the game draws, every Tuesday at 21:15 and Friday at 21:00, are held in Helsinki. Video of the drawes are available on the YouTube channel of Profit up to EUR 120 million The Eurojackpot, which began in 2012, still has 18 countries outside Greece. With draws every Tuesday and Friday, the new OPAP game distributes prizes starting from 10 million euros and reaching up to 120 million euros. In other participating countries, there are a total of 12 categories of profits. In Greece, however, an additional category of profits was introduced for players who correctly predict two numbers, one in each field. How Eurojackpot is played In the Eurojackpot bulletin there are 6 columns in total, with each column including 2 fields of number completion. Players choose at least 5 numbers in the first field, from 1 to 50, and at least 2 numbers in the second field, from 1 to 12. They also have the option of selecting a full or standard system, participating in consecutive draws, as well as completing a group card. 18+ land .Airline EQEP Regulator . Risk of addiction & property loss . Support line 1114 . Play Responsible