EU: The 2nd lowest per capita GDP Greece in 2023 – In “tartars” the purchasing power of Greeks

Second since the end of the 27 countries of the European Union ( ) Greece was found in 2023 as regards the index of per capita gross domestic product ( ) expressed in purchasing power standards. Bulgaria from all EU countries (average 100) held the last place in GDP per capita with 64 points, and Greece followed with 67 points. A total of 2023 recorded significant differences in per capita GDP expressed in purchasing power parities between EU countries as Bulgaria recorded the lowest per capita GDP, 36% below the EU average, followed only by Greece (-33% from average) and Latvia (-29%). On the other hand, Luxembourg and Ireland had the highest levels (140% and 112% above the EU average, respectively), well above the Netherlands (30% above the EU average), Denmark (+28%) and Austria (+23%). This information comes from the extraordinary estimates of purchasing power parities and GDP for 2023 published by Eurostat today.