EU: New European bond issues are coming – The total value will exceed 1 trillion euros

Over EUR 1 trillion will be worth the European Union ( ) as new issues of common European debt are planned to be added to existing EUR 995 billion already negotiated by the region’s four largest supranational publishers – the EU, the European Investment Bank, the ESM and EFSF. As Bloomberg points out, for investors, EU bonds represent an attractive alternative to German bonds – Europe’s current ‘safe haven’ – because they offer a better return for a similar level of risk and could one day be the number one alternative even to Americans. For the governments of the Union, they have become an increasingly attractive way of financing expenditure without charging more debt. Meanwhile, speculation is intensifying that EU bonds will soon be included in large indicators, strengthening their impact and clearing the way for further sales and investment. EU bonds were first introduced during the pandemic crisis to help spread the weight of Union support. Now, with the debate raging over how governments in the region will finance defence spending in the face of Russian aggression, the project has still become of great importance.