EPO: Meeting with FIFA, UEFA, Superleague and Brutsis

The meeting was completed where the , UEFA, FIFA, Superleague and the Deputy Minister of Sports participated. Meeting with the Deputy Minister of Sports, Giannis Brutsis, had the delegation (Nodar Akhalkatsi, Rolf Tanner, Luca Nicola, Marios Georgiou, Dr. Yann Hafner) of FIFA and UEFA, who were in our country for the match yesterday. Greece – Kazakhstan, accompanied by the President of the EPO, Takis Baltako, its Vice President and President of the Super League, Mina Lysandros and the Executive Director of the Federation, James Filipousis. In an excellent climate, issues were discussed in general concerning the integrated digital recording of our sport and therefore football, which is No.1 sport in the country – with the platform “e-Kouros”, in the security of sports meetings with the state-of-the-art electronic surveillance and identification systems of ticket holders on the stadiums, which now apply, to the improvement, upgrading and development of Greek football. Once again, on the part of the State, as well as that of international confederations, excellent understanding and the provision of continuous cooperation was confirmed.

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