Eliana Χρυσικοπούλου: Shares personal moments with her daughter

At 8:30? At 8:30. At 7:30? At 7:30. At 6? Why not? What time of decide the Isabella how do you start a new one, beautiful day, we’re… we’re following. To say “that’s ok” that I can’t decide on the 4, like some other babies-heads I hear.
Decide what will come out of the pot.
There that we’ve been quiet – quiet the koules our diets, the husband with the vegetarianism and the chia seeds and I αθέρμιδα noodles and chicken with peanut butter, all of a sudden Isabella grew up and the food no longer comes out of a blender. What veal dishes, what chicken lemon-rosemary potatoes, what spaghetti and meatballs, and what a frittata I learned to make, I’m ashamed to admit the old, new age myself.
He chooses who will go this Weekend.
Okay, that’s not true, as I have said in the past, the baby is portable and can take it anywhere he wants to go. But why would a sane man choose to go somewhere that the baby will be bored/ overwhelmed/hot/cold and therefore will whine non stop while may very well pick it up and go on an amazing, cool, shady place specially designed for kids? Yeah, OKAY, I admit it. I hang out in playgrounds. There he threw me the life. Don’t judge me.
Control the home stereo.
Sometimes, if he feels generous, he leaves us to choose between English or foreign children’s songs. The only reason I don’t write “controls the tv, the tablet, the stereo and every electronic device in the house” is because at the moment, the tv and the tablet are prohibited. But let’s talk again in a year.

Declare quiet hours.
I’m ready to go hit mad the bell upstairs moving furniture at the time that the child takes the lunch nap. Until I look at the clock and it’s, let’s say, 11:30.

Declaring the hours of trouble.
I bet that there are a dozen neighbors who want furious to ring the bell at the time that Isabella is taking her sweet, prolonged scream – and the windows are wide open.
Decide if the night will see the movie or not.
The time you take hot – hot popcorn from the microwave, and you’re about to hit the play button… the light of the babyphone he lights.
Has a view of the dressing room.
There are few times that has forced us to change our clothes while we’re at the door. As long as a wonderful stain from milk, you know, one of the good guys, that looks like yoghurt and smells like cheese.
Phone calls are allowed in moderation
If pissed off because I’m talking a lot of time and don’t pay any attention to, let’s just say he has a way to force me to shut it down summarily.
The games have been possessed by the house
In principle, half of the living room is strewn with these colorful foam. And the courtyard is reminiscent of an outdoor playground. But it was only that? In my bed there lives a polar bear, in the tub, a penguin and a mermaid on top of the refrigerator a dog, in the illuminator of a zebra. Generally, all animals have “the house” here, except us, that we no longer have a house.
