Elements – fire from the forensics about the car accident.Sade: “During the time of the fatal injury was in the passenger seat” [video]

New data show that the Pantelis Pantelidis was in the passenger seat and not the driver, the fateful morning of 18 February, in a car accident that claimed the life of the…
unlucky singer, brought to light by the emission of “Truths Xena”.
Coroners Socrates Τσαντίρης and Konstantinos Andreou spoke on the show of Zina Koutselini and the journalist Roula Kouskouri and analyzed their conclusions.
The medical examiner and technical Advisor of the family of Sade, Socrates Τσαντίρης, was reported in a large percentage of alcohol, which was found in the body of the singer, while he stressed that the Pantelis Pantelidis was injured in the passenger seat and even in a specific location.
The second coroner Constantine Andreou was mentioned that at the extremely high rates of alcohol found in the blood, in the sample of urine, but also in the stomach contents of the deceased, but also in its conclusions on the time of the fatal injury.
“This concentration is sufficient to cause up to an alcoholic coma, especially in people such as the Pantelides, who was suffering from chronic cardiomyopathy…” he said, among other things, and then stressed “I can say with certainty that the Panteleimon Pantelidis during the course of the fatal injury was in the passenger seat”.
At the same time, I don’t, the coroner reported that the driver of the vehicle should not have even been injured. See the video:

What we wrote in the tromaktiko only a few hours after an accident that claimed the life of Pantelis Pantelidis:
Παντέλο, I saw you last night in my dream my boyfriend and you told me that you weren’t driving the car…
When dreams come true – What’s the reality for the Total of? Was driving or not? Analysis with pictures of the DOCUMENTS for the first time in publicity