Elections after the benefits? A gift to the few, taxes, and deductions for everyone!

“To burn you John, rub it honey,” says the people, and somehow, that could describe the social feeling after the announcements Tsipras…
for the provision of a pension to the poorest of the poor among pensioners, but also for the non-increase of the VAT on the islands affected by the migration.
It was a provision that had leaked in the previous days, and the prime Minister did not want to “get lost” in the debate on the budget. So on a communication level the decision was taken to make the announcements yesterday, so to pass the message of the effort of the government for the relief of the financially weak.
Only that the budget has not been a single provision, has been of a permanent nature measures, which come to add to and tax and insurance burdens at all, while at the same time in 2017 come to complete measures such as the cut of the NCAA, they get the same people who now will receive for a time only a little financial support, proportional to a pension or a little more.
The announcement is in fact the time has fallen, as all show, again on the table the issue of personal dispute on pensions, which will mean a reduction in (permanent and not one-time as benefits) of 10% and 36%.
The table though has fallen and the reduction in the tax-free at 5,000 euros, which will bring a further increase of the tax of 220 and 880 euro for all. The amount that will be cut so it will be proportionate to the provision to people with low pensions! announced yesterday by Alexis Tsipras, only that I respect everyone and will not be for a time only, but permanent and this.
Kind of like that and with the know debt relief has fallen and in communicative level in… rocks, many are those who read the announcements Tsipras ‘ pre-election benefits” which does not yet have the approval of the lenders if and from the side of Maximus it is said that this is provided for by the agreement.
What are the benefits and who benefits:
The number of beneficiaries pensioners amounts to 1.6 million. in a total of 2.7 million. pensioners. The percentage of beneficiaries is 60,32% of all pensioners.
In detail:
– From 500 to 830 euro will take about 10% of pensioners (about 270 thousand pensioners).
– From 300 to 500 euro will take about 20% of pensioners (approximately 570 thousand pensioners).
– 300 euro you will receive approximately 30% of pensioners (approximately 750 thousand pensioners).
The amount to be distributed is 4.7 times greater than the amount of the NCAA that has been cut in 2016.
The amounts will be credited to the beneficiaries on 22 December, along with the pension of January.
What islands are exempt from VAT
That “freezes” the VAT
The suspension of the VAT mentioned above, concerns in the islands of Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Kos, and the islands of the so-called barren line, which, as he said, and Al. Tsipras, have been affected especially due to the migratory flows.
The measure which shall be suspended, involved in the implementation of the last, third phase of increase in the rates of VAT in the framework of the memorandum of commitment, for the simulation of VAT rates in the islands with those that apply in the rest of Greece.
Thus, in specific islands, the VAT rate will remain at 30% less than those that apply in the rest of the country, in an attempt by the government to boost economic activity and consumption in specific areas.

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