Effective continuous contacts. Κατσιφάρα – Starts the payment of economic aid for the restructuring of vineyards 2015-2016

After concerted efforts and continuous contacts of the regional Governor of Western Greece Apostolos Κατσιφάρα, with the …
OPEKEPE and the competent Ministry, the process of checks was completed on time and starts the payout of financial aid for the program for the restructuring of vineyards period 2015-2016 for.E. Achaia, by the OPEKEPE.
“This grant comes to meet the immediate financial needs of those enrolled in the program,” notes the Governor. Κατσιφάρας.
The total amount distributed to the S.E. Achaia is in the amount of 4.706.056 euro and corresponds to 289 growers and 2.815 acres enrolled in the program, which was executed with complete success by the Directorate of Rural Economy and Veterinary medicine E.E. Achaia.
For the next growing period 2016-2017, as pointed out by the Marshal, repeated the same program and made efforts for the integration of all the stakeholders-growers with a total amount of eur 3.519.903 €, which corresponds to 204 vine-growers and 2.075 acres.
“With this particular Program achieved the reconstitution and modernisation of the vineyard of our Region, making him one of the most dynamic and modern vineyards of Greece as well as one of the most profitable sectors of our agricultural economy,” he stressed in conclusion, mr. Κατσιφάρας.

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