E. Lafazanis: “The μνημονιακες policies of austerity of the government choke off the ambulance and cost ανθρωπινές lives”

The head of the Popular Unity, Panagiotis Lafazanis, in response to the invitation of the Union of Employees… AMBULANCE, visited the workers, in order to be informed and to see a large part of their problems
Mr Lafazanis, who in accordance with the notice of the association, is the first political leader who responds to the request of the association discussed with the Bureau of the Association and with employees, and made a tour of all the workplaces in the central office, saw up close the problems faced by the employees and updated and for the most serious problems facing the AMBULANCE, as the old fleet of ambulances, the lack of staff, and underfunding that makes it difficult for the smooth functioning of the Organization as well as the difficult conditions that attempt the crews of ambulances in the performance of their duties.
The Panag. Thus with his statements after the tour stated: “I condemn the government for the fact that it is still a criminal memorandum policy of underfunding of the AMBULANCE, a great lack of and abandonment of the fleet of ambulance and large gaps in staff positions. This criminal policy is paid heavily by the society and it costs human lives. At this time, they need immediate and drastic measures to support and upgrade the EMS system in all these areas”.
The Panag. Lafazanis, head of the unit executives of the LA.E. who were present, expressed “the solidarity of the hard work performed by the employees of the AMBULANCE and pledged that the LA.E. it will highlight the problems of in every direction, will support the AMBULANCE with vigor in order to maintain the Public nature of order to continue to be the pillar of the National Health System in the area of pre-hospital emergency care and that we will oppose any plan to privatize parts of the for the benefit of private companies and at the expense of free public health and citizens”.

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