E.I. P.: “Today there are no diabetics that can not be adjusted”

Diabetes gallops, bothering and troubling millions of people all over the world…
Today it is considered the most fast-growing “chronic condition” in the World, with huge social and economic costs. The prevention and proper treatment of Diabetes mellitus should be the primary concern of all Health Systems.
In our time, Diabetes mellitus is no longer considered a disease with the known meaning of the term, but a way of life.
In our country more than a million of our fellow human beings are facing various problems related with Diabetes mellitus. Every year, 35.000 – 40.000 people are discovering for the first time, the problem, among which more than 600 children under the age of 16 years old.
It is worth mentioning in particular that in recent years the great increase of Childhood Obesity, which can cause Diabetes mellitus in adult life, as a result of the appearance of serious complications from a very young age and the creation of unforeseen consequences for the quality and future life of the children.
Greece has the unfortunate privilege of holding the first place in Europe in Child Obesity. The need to raise awareness of all of us is imperative!
The evolution of understanding and treatment of Diabetes has improved considerably, with the result that offers a wide variety of options and the best treatment.
This needs a modern diabetic is primarily to come to terms with the problem and to realize that to live many good years have “measure”, consistency and self-control.
Basic principles for the treatment of Diabetes is the adoption of a healthy lifestyle and diet and, above all, the systematic physical activity and exercise. The diet and general way of life of a person with Diabetes mellitus is an example for all people.
The therapeutic approach of people with Diabetes mellitus in the last years has significantly improved. To this have contributed to the new treatment regimens, which offer the possibility to every diabetic to be able to achieve a very good setting, which effectively protects against the long-term complications of Diabetes mellitus.
For this reason, any diabetic can make his life as he wishes, with safety and a good quality of life. All you need is the proper adjustment of therapeutic treatment in the way of life that wants!
This has contributed to the application of modern technology in the treatment of Diabetes mellitus, which surprises and impresses.
The use of technologically improved ways of administering Insulin, with the famous “penne” or “pen”, the modern systems for the continuous recording of blood sugar and Insulin Pumps, has changed for the better dealing and arrangement of the condition. Today there are no longer diabetics that can not be adjusted, only diabetics that “they don’t want to be regulated”.
The modern therapeutic approach and the understanding of Diabetes mellitus leads to the conclusion that diabetes today is not a disease but a way of life!

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