E. Καψής: the Political commissioner, the Μουλόπουλος in the D.The.L. I was given the impression of a secret conciliation

On developments in the D.The.L. it was reported the former minister and for a number of years working in the Inside of the band, Complete Καψής, speaking to the …
Flash 96,0 F.M. and in a show of Kostis Παρρά.
More specifically, mr. Καψής, said: “a decision was made, to take the news in some way control or coordination, or management of the Pitch and the New mr Μουλόπουλος, the time that this was not the problem of the band. The problem of the complex’s financial… to The appointment of one, allow me the term, a political commissioner, who made and programmatic statements of what criticism is acceptable here and in the following, only the documented criticism, he says, and who will come out in Step F.M., can’t mr Pangalos, he says, to call the prime minister, cocksucker, he made statements so λογοκριτικού character, inevitably caused a very, very serious questions. That this movement serves other purposes, control of the Pitch and mainly of the New and of Step F.M. of course, by the government. The impression was given that there was a secret, to tell, conciliation”.

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