As of today (01.04.24) its regular salaries increase by 6.4% due to the corresponding increase in the minimum wage. In particular, for more than EUR 444 per month (mixed) the regular unemployment benefit is now EUR 509/month (against EUR 479). For salaries ranging from EUR 222 to EUR 443, the regular unemployment allowance will now be EUR 381 (as against EUR 359). For gross earnings up to 221 euros, the unemployment benefit will be 254 euros (against 239 euros). It is recalled that the above amounts are increased by 10% for each protected member of the beneficiary’s family. Thus, for unemployed persons with earnings, before being laid off, more than EUR 444/mixed, the unemployment benefit of EUR 509 will be increased by EUR 50, if it has a protected member, by EUR 100 if it has two protected members etc.
DYPA: Unemployment benefits are increasing by 6.4% as of now – the benefit map