Driver stopped the bus because a passenger was on the phone.

Tensions and almost episodes in one, when he left him the wheel and refused to start because a woman was talking loudly on her cell phone. As shown in the video the bus driver has left the steering wheel and is opposite the woman speaking loudly on her mobile phone and bothering him, with some of the passengers recording the images and others pouring oil into the fire with their words. The driver invokes the relevant regulation that does not allow passengers to speak on the phone during the journey. But some people don’t know that and ask him to continue. “I haven’t done anything unprofessional” As the driver at LIVE NEWS says, he shouted at the woman to stop while she was sitting at the wheel and had to get up because she wouldn’t listen to him. “I haven’t done anything unprofessional. The video isn’t from the beginning and nothing happened with the lady. This woman wore large headphones and spoke on the phone, but she did not understand how loud she was speaking. I told her that it bothers me because she was talking too loud and she wouldn’t listen to me.” For a few seconds the tension continues. The driver seems upset, with the woman on the phone trying initially to understand the reason for the inconvenience. “I was kind to her ‘’ please ma’am, you bother me, please slow down’ but she wouldn’t listen to me. People inside were laughing and nobody tried to tell her ‘’my lady, you’re bothering the driver’. After five minutes, I reached my limits. I say to her: ‘My lady, I have reached my limits, do you bother me, please, do you not hear me?’ “It is forbidden by law to speak on the phone” At some point the woman who spoke loudly on the phone turned it off and apologized. But the spirits didn’t calm down at the time. “She looked at me, turned off the phone and says: ‘I’m sorry I didn’t understand it’. In the video I don’t curse anyone, I don’t do anything unprofessional. It’s forbidden by law to speak on the cell phone, but if she didn’t speak out loud, she wouldn’t bother me, nor listen to her, nor would any of this happen. I did my job, I couldn’t concentrate on the wheel.” “I felt fear, horror,” says an eyewitness. At this point the driver sits back behind the wheel to get the car on the side of the road, until the spirits calm down. “At that time someone else came out from behind and shouted ‘Go to work, go on’. These are daily at work. I will follow legal procedures because he posted the video with my face on the Internet.” The driver declares determined to move legally after, as he says, he was dragged out while doing his job, as the regulations lay down. The video continues to do the round of social media and the driver, as he says, unexpectedly like what happens at times. Passengers are not forbidden to speak on their mobile phone. Fotis Nikolakopoulos, Secretary-General of OASA Workers, spoke to LIVE NEWS about what is true. “Drivers are forbidden to speak on phones. The passenger can talk but can’t cause any trouble. The law says noise inside buses, such as radio usage.”