Dozens of Πατρινοί filed a license plate – Less cars by the new year

With the economic crisis that we’re spending and the increased taxes that are coming, we will have…
still fewer cars on the streets of Patras from the new year.
Can the ministry of Finance announced a new extension at the end of movement, this time until Monday, January 9, but there is a significant percentage of drivers who probably don’t care so much about this.
What they care about is how you get rid of an extra weight that you have to pay, in combination with everything else that is required. And this weight is the car that has come to be a luxury, with the crisis plaguing the local society.
It is characteristic that in the morning of Friday, was crowded from the world tax filings of Patras, with dozens of people to submit license plates to escape from the end of movement, from the evidence and from the payments.
According to the estimates of officials over 3,500 Πατρινοί have filed these days the traffic signs. Commonly, deliver the signs and put the car in the garage, waiting for the day that I will get better kind of things.
Some, in fact, they put a shop hoping that I will be lucky and will find someone to buy it. Walking, anyway, good for you. In particular in times of crisis.