Donated drugs to the coast guard for the Social Pharmacy.

With bags and boxes full of medicine for the Social Pharmacy of the Municipality of Malevizi, visited the Mayor Kostas Μαμουλάκη the Commander of the A L/T Ληνοπεραμμάτων…
Menelaus Dafermos and the President of the T.K. Gazi – port – Yannis Κοτσυφός.
These drugs, gathered at the initiative of the executives of the Coast guard and delivered to the Mayor of Crete, with mixed feelings of joy and sorrow, as mentioned features the Commander With. Dafermos: Sadness, because there are economically weak people who don’t have the ability to procure essential for the health of their drugs, but I’m glad for the response that had the initiative, after dozens of citizens participated in the effort of concentration drugs, demonstrating that solidarity continues to flourish in our country.
The Mayor of Crete, Costas Μαμουλάκης for his part, thanked the executives of the Coast guard and for this offer and in a statement pointed out: “The Social Pharmacy of the Municipality, one of the oldest social structures we have created, supported constantly from players, clubs, social groups and individual citizens. This enables us, in cooperation with the volunteer pharmacists who are watching, to offer drugs to people who really need it. As I’ve said before, I wholeheartedly wish to be close to the day these types of structures will be unnecessary and will be a thing of the past. Until then, however, and despite the many and significant difficulties that we face in Local Government, we will be side by side with every citizen being tested, with all our strength.
I would like to publicly thank and congratulate you for the initiative of the Commander of the first L/T Ληνοπεραμάτων Menelaus Δαφέρμο, the President of the T.K. Gazi and Coast guard Giannis Κοτσυφό, the entire staff of the Coast guard, as well as all those who contributed to compile this amount of drugs. Would also like to thank the opportunity of the Designated Consultant Social Structures of our Municipality Evi Apostolaki and all of the volunteers that support active and effective way the functioning of all of our social structures. Without their support, nothing would be the same.”
In the meeting attended also by the Secretary-General of the Municipality of Crete, Yiorgos Manousakis and the Executive director of Social Structure Evi Apostolaki.