Does it hurt the wax? 4 tricks for less pain during hair removal

The waxing is one of the most common methods of discharge from the unwanted hair growth, which has greater…
duration of the common razor blade. However, there are many women who avoid this way of hair removal because of the pain that causes them. Not anymore! Follow these simple, but effective tips and reduce pain.
1. Painkiller
Before you start the waxing, take a pain reliever, a simple aspirin or anything else you prefer.
2. Hair removal and period of
Avoid doing waxing just the end of the period. Prefer to do it a week after it has subsided and this is because women have a higher tolerance for pain after the period.
3. Toothpaste
As weird as it sounds, it is very effective. Half an hour before the procedure apply toothpaste on the areas you want to epilate. In this way, the area will be numb for some time and the pain you will feel will be much smaller.
4. Head to the side and cough
A small but equally effective trick to reduce pain is the turning of your head to the side, the moment you pull on the material with wax and the simultaneous strong cough, as well as pulling on the tape. This way you will capture the attention of your brain away from the pain that you caused the wax.


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