Where the Secret Texas Illuminati Meet
Image by Stuck in Customs
(Title) Controversy has broken out between the administration of “Hippocratic” Thessaloniki and doctors at the hospital.
occasions, the statements of doctors that, for lack of materials was delayed for 24 hours to perform surgery on a 30 year old trauma, resulting in danger of becoming paralyzed. The commander of the hospital ordered an SAD against intensivists in the ICU and hospital secretary of the committee of the hospital, he made these allegations. The purpose of SAD is to explore whether in fact the delay was due to a lack of materials or was appropriate, in order to stabilize the health status of 30 years, to be operated safely.
Doctors Hospital characterize the order of SAD ‘brutal attacks against the hospital doctors are fighting “and accused the administration of the hospital on criminalization of trade union action and expression. Hospital Committee ‘Hippocratic’ hospital complained to prosecute the order of SAD and declares its full support, along with ENITH and OENGE, to the doctor and colleague calls this afternoon the doctors of the hospital to show protest at the offices of Administration and General Assembly.
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