Do you feel always tired? What could it mean

How many times haven’t you wondered why you feel exhausted…
while you sleep. When the fatigue become a “way of life” then surely that will lead you to the doctors for the causes.
But, before you take to the streets to see their doctors of all specialties and to consider if you are suffering from some weird syndrome consider the most likely, maybe, cause that can make you feel constantly tired: the deprivation of the good of a traditional sleep.
Indeed, “the most common cause of fatigue in women is the lack of sleep,” says dr. Ginevra Liptan, and adds: “All people need different hours of sleep, usually these range from seven to ten hours every night. Most people, however, don’t sleep these hours, even if they think they do.”
“Often we fool ourselves about sleep, in our effort to incorporate as much activities in our busy lives, it may have to do either with our work or with a hobby,” notes dr. Liptan.
So, in fact, put it in second place to rest and sleep, and day-to-day lack of sleep increases fatigue.
“The best way to find out if the cause of fatigue is lack of sleep you only have a week to put as your first priority sleep to determine if the tiredness you’re feeling reduced,” advises the doctor.
Of course there are other causes of fatigue, so if even after you follow a program of good rest and enough sleep symptoms of fatigue persist, it would be good to visit a doctor who will consider every possibility.