Dimitris Starovas: I had heard about my daughter some comments, discovered the haters through YouTube

“We are not talking to my daughter as much as I would like, I would like to be closer,” says . Interview on the show “Go Danai” and Katerina Ninou was granted by Dimitris Starovas. The well-known musician and singer spoke about his professional, television, daughter, but also Laurentis Mahiritsa. “It’s a cost of fun, people think I’m joking while it’s a means of reacting from my nerves. Most of my time is on my YouTube channel. I didn’t expect people not to come to my channel, it upset me. I miss television, I happen to have been booked for two shows and in the end no one will be. The meaning of music is to be a product of heart, when we put in a cluster it has no vision,” Dimitris Starovas originally said. Dimitris Starovas then said: “I had heard about my daughter some comments, I discovered the haters through YouTube. We’re not talking to my daughter as much as I’d like, I’d like to be closer. Once I was coming back from the village and I had my daughter in the car and she said “good music Dad, like a theater” for the bohemian rapsody.” In closing, Dimitris Starovas said: “I keep cooking, if I cook for someone, he will move into my house. I don’t separate the theater or the music scene. In a place where they play music, 90% of the world stares and makes stories. I haven’t thought about stopping from the Singles, I’ve received too much love from the world. People rarely bother me on the street. With Laurentis Khairitsa it was many years and memories, we think about him all the time and play his songs.”

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