Kirby Dick at Outrage screening in San Francisco Politics
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(Title) Details inaccurate statistical data of the Greek economy from the period of the Simitis government (2000-2003) up to October 2009 are included in the file folder that will probably take the road to the House.
The deputy public prosecutor of the Supreme Court A. Katsirodis, who was charged in the file, called a circular base and Linos decide whether there is sufficient evidence against the ministers of Economy and Finance, to justify sending of the dossier to Parliament for further investigation of any criminal responsibility of political figures.
According to estimates, the prosecutor of the Supreme Court maintains its view that must precede design and verify the information before it, not to be sent to Parliament in series with files grossly unsubstantiated evidence (particularly after the protests of the president of the Parliament Apostolos Kaklamanis files lifting immunity without good cause).

However, the issue has become a strange connotations, especially after the persistent refusal of the former prosecutor Supreme C. Sanidas to send to parliament important files such as Siemens, of Vatopedio rough lines. And despite the explicit mention of the law that if naming ministers in the file is sent immediately to the House.

In this case, the path of the file in question has great political interest, pending the establishment of the House Selection Committee on Governance Karamanlis.

The papers formed after a complaint report from the President of LAOS G. Karatzaferis, which conducted a preliminary examination by the magistrate eighth. In its statement of OGA relied Karatzaferis including the findings of the committee recommended that the Finance Minister on the issue.

In conclusion, delivered in Parliament on 01.02.2010, refer to series of irregularities in the statistics of all governments since our accession to EMU.

Especially for the period 2000-2003, indicated that, based on a revision of fiscal data in 2004, there were incorrect data were overvaluation surplus pension funds, tax revenues and poor record defense spending.
Especially for differences in estimates of the gap between 2 and 21 October, ie before and after the election, talk about manipulation, it does not correspond to the information were sent to the National Statistical Office, the various bodies and agencies.
The data of the central government on October 2, 2009 does not incorporate the sharp deterioration in fiscal positions that had occurred between January and late August 2009 and suggests double-digit percentage of GDP the deficit over the year. This deterioration was visible since the beginning of the year and reflects both the monthly data of the General Accounting Office and the cash assets of the Bank of Greece refers to the findings.
It had not registered a deficit of public hospitals (two 2 billion), which concerns the period 2005-2009! At the same time, while the Deputy Minister of Health assured the House on 14.9.2009 that the debt of noskomeion was 5.2 billion, EUROSTAT had another letter dated 15.4.2009, in which the debt was reduced to 2 2 billion!


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