Digital currencies (bitcoin) and related technologies (blockchain): Applications and Prospects

Financial analysts speculate that bitcoin will be one of the biggest changes of the last 60 years in the…
financial system ,perhaps surpassing the changes that caused in everyday life and the economy ,the credit cards and “plastic money”.
Lot about the bitcoin currency of the future” and others “the currency of the digital age”. There is no in physical form, or in coins ,not in bills.
It’s not currency of any country. Is not guarded and is not controlled by any bank or government, but is the…most powerful digital currency. All transactions ,the handling, the storage and the output are in digital form.
In what way though? How do we use digital currencies? What changes they bring? You were created? Who use them the most?
Answers for the “Digital currencies (bitcoin) and related technologies (blockchain), applications and perspectives” will be given at the event organized by the Association of Information technology Companies of Northern Greece with main speaker mrs Bright Μπαλδιμτσή, Assistant Professor at the department of Informatics of the University George Mason, USA.
The subject will develop ms. Μπαλδιμτσή is “The future of the Digital Economy: Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies”. Greetings will be addressed by the president of SEPVE k K. Καγγελίδης, the president of TCG/SCM k E. Μπίλλιας and the vice-president ΕΜΗΠΕΕ mrs. Joan Σαμπράκου.
The event will take place next Monday 27 June 2016, the start time of 17.00, at the auditorium of the Technical Chamber of Greece /Section of Central Macedonia (Ave. Max. Alexander 49-Thessaloniki).
The purpose of the event is the introduction to the basic concepts of digital currencies, and the business models used as a technological innovation as well as the recording of views regarding the adoption of the digital currency.
The entrance is free. Declaration of participation in the 2310 365130

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