Didimotiho: Concern from the Association of Kidney patients for the departure of a physician

The concern for the smooth operation of the Artificial Kidney (MTN) of the hospital of Didimoticho after the…
imminent departure, in mid-January, one of the two doctors νεφρολόγων of the unit, expresses in his letter, the Association of Kidney patients of Northern Evros.
Specifically, the 42 αιμοκαθαιρόμενοι patients who signed the letter note that “it is impossible for the function of the unit as required two νεφρολόγοι, in accordance with the rules of procedure” and noted that the MTN of Didimoticho is absolutely necessary since the distance of the northern settlements of the County to the hospital of Alexandroupolis, in which there is a corresponding unit, is 180 km away.
Reassuring, however, it appears the deputy commander of the General Hospital of Didimoticho, Stephen Καρακόλιας, who clarifies to ana-MPA, that the doctor who is leaving had informed in a timely manner, since the summer, about his decision to resign in order to relocate abroad and, therefore, have done all the necessary actions for filling the position.
“The assistant doctor leaves will be replenished. Already completed the process of recruiting a permanent doctor, through the councils of judgment, as provided for and there are two candidate”.
Mr. Καρακόλιας, indeed, assures us that in case there is a delay in the planned and underway procedures, there will be coverage of the University General Hospital of Evros in Alexandroupolis.
“Will goes to the Didymoticho doctor of Alexandroupolis, and patients are not going to be moved around. They are located in a circular program, and it is reasonable for a three-hour session to do a 2.5 hours journey by car”.
Source: ana-MPA