According to ELSTAT, the permanent population of the…
Country (with the last recording 2011) amounted to 10.815.197 people from which the 5.302.703 are men (percentage 49,0 %) and 5.512.494 women(percentage 51,0%).
The evidence shows that the largest percentage of men 50,7% appears
in the Region of Central Greece, while the largest percentage of women 51,8% occurs in the Region of Attica. In nine of the ten largest municipalities in the country, there are more women than men with the exception of the municipality of Rhodes, where women account for 49,9%. The largest percentage of women (54,3%) is displayed at the municipality of Thessaloniki.
Also, the data show that the average age of 44.2 years is shown in the Region of Epirus, while the youngest average age of 39.8 years is shown in the Region of South Aegean.
The average age of the permanent population of Greece is 41,9 years, with the Regional unit of Mykonos presents the lower average age of residents (37 years) and the regional unit of Evritania showing the largest (49 years).
The greater average age 57,9 years, occurs in the municipality of Central Tzoumerka of the Regional Unit of Arta, while the youngest average age 35,3 years, occurs in the municipality of the Tribe of the Regional Unit of West Attica.
At the same time, shows that 50.3% of the country’s population is legally married (married, domestic partnership, separated). The 39,0% of the total population is unmarried, with men greater than (21,5% of the population ).
Yet, according to the results of the census 9.903.268 people have Greek citizenship, 199.101 people have citizenship of other countries of the European Union, 708.003 people have citizenship of other countries and 4.825 people are without citizenship or unknown citizenship.
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