Depression? Allergies? You are “stuck” in nicotine? Maybe it’s the Neanderthal in you!

Do you feel depressed? You are tormented by allergies? You have “stuck” in the nicotine in the cigarette? Maybe it’s the -deep-hidden – Neanderthal in you!
Scientists have known since 2010 that modern Europeans and Asians have inherited 1% to 4% of their DNA from the “cousins”, the Neanderthals (in Europe the rate is around 1.5%). What is happening now is perceived, according to a new american scientific research, is that these genetically residues continue to exercise, until today, a silent, but not insignificant, influence on the organism and the health of modern people.
The researchers, led by evolutionary geneticist John Capra, assistant professor of biology, University of Vanderbilt in Tennessee, who made the relevant publication in the journal “Science”, they found correlations between the inherited from their Neanderthal genes in modern diseases, such as skin, immune system, metabolism, heart, blood, nerves, and even mental, such as depression.
If anyone has the DNA of such genes are Neanderthal, then e.x. she’s in more danger by about 2% to display depression and 1.4% had a heart attack.
When the ancestors of the modern “έμφρονος” human (Homo sapiens) migrated from Africa to Europe and Asia before 40,000-50,000 years, they intermixed with the Neanderthals, who lived there already for thousands of years. Thus, the current human genome bears traces of those ancient επιμειξίες.
But the νεαντερτάλειο DNA is difficult to trace in modern humans, with the result that up to now scientists do not understand well the importance of. The new study illuminate further the possible effects, based on genetic analysis 28.400 adults compared with their medical history. The researchers identified a few νεαντερτάλεια genes that significantly increase the risk to health.
Among other things, it was found that the DNA of Neanderthals significantly increases the risk for addiction to nicotine, so for you to become a heavy smoker. Another their genes helps in the coagulation of the blood, so helps in closing the wound, but also increases the risk of thrombosis and stroke. A third gene increases the risk for precancerous lesions on the skin. On the other hand, some other νεαντερτάλεια genes have a beneficial effect, enhancing the response of the modern immune system against the pathogenic micro-organisms.
Scientists estimate that, when it became the “exodus” from Africa, these genes may have initially helped in the adaptation of migrants to the new, more hostile environments of Europe and Asia, but today they do not offer any advantage or on the contrary work harmful. The researchers believe that, as long as work is progressing on the surveys, and there will be other genes inherited from Neanderthals.