Deliberate confusion and misleading of the electorate of the gentlemen Καρατζαφέρη and Μπαλτάκο

The main C.Karatzaferis and Such. Μπαλτάκος announced the establishment of the new party after they shared the first office…
The first president and the second secretary . For the name of the party chose the title “NATIONAL UNITY”.
First of all, the Link of National Unity congratulates them on the choice of the name. Because the National Unity today, after years of divisive policies of the major parties to the transition to democracy, it is the first and main challenge for the Greek People. Without this there can be no prospect of recovery and progress of our Country.
We cannot, however, congratulate them also for the inventiveness and originality. The mimicry is obvious and copying of the Association in the selection of the name of the party of the exceeds the limits of tolerance.
Mr. Karatzaferis was not only capable and deft on her ridiculous acrobatic stunts of the policy, which has become the nickname for the fun “flip-flopping”, but that seems to be equally good at imitating and copying.
Mr. Μπαλτάκος, by custom, bellman, establishing parties ended today in the “right” party that envisions the policy of the expectation , in accordance with their own public claims, to cooperate with the New Republic. As for the name it seems that the imagination is exhausted to the ROOTS, and this time it has decided to resort to something ready.
After the last time they have scattered the two of them rumors in various ways through the MEDIA, which have a long relationship , so as to spread widely that the Link of National Unity is working with them, today they are coming to steal without any shame, and his name. The deliberate confusion and misleading of the electorate which attempt will not pass . You will suffer the legal consequences of the δολιότητάς.
The Association of National Unity in an attempt to restore the truth sent repeatedly letters to various blogs and internet sites as well as 2 out-of-court protests to the newspapers “KATHIMERINI” and “THE NATION” with which we have been forced in refutation of the false publications. The same will do so now and will turn to any remedy against any person defending primarily the unadulterated judgment, and perception of Greek voters.
The Supreme Political Council

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