Death Valley bloomed -The rare phenomenon that happens every 10 years [photos]

A rare phenomenon happened in Death Valley National Park, California, when the whole area that is otherwise barren and full of stones suddenly blossomed…
This is a phenomenon that happens once every 10 years, offering a unique and colorful spectacle.

Every spring, just before the unbearable heat, some wildflowers grow in the region, this year, however, three very rare storms that occurred the first two weeks of October were filled with 7 inches of water and a few spots of the valley. Experts say that the rains were caused by El Niño, and it was several and it was enough to germinate millions of seeds waiting patiently for even a small rainfall.
The Valley of Death is the most warm and dry place in North America and holds the record for the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth, which is 56,6 degrees Celsius, 1913.

It is also the place with the lowest elevation in North America as it is located almost 86 meters below the sea surface.
The last time the Valley flourished so much was in 2005 and prior to this in 1998.
The annual average rainfall there is almost 5 cm, while sometimes it’s not raining at all.