De facto policy of recruiting the “state of emergency” of the Μουζάλα

Writes Spiros Rizopoulos
The statements Μουζάλα on the likelihood of a…
be declared in the first phase, the Attica, in “emergency mode” can not be excluded then the extension of the measure across the country, in essence, mean a de facto policy of conscription. And this translates to a mandatory provision of services by individuals, organisations and bodies of prescribing, and also requisition resources and tools that are necessary for the provision of these services. Even if it’s not something like that today on the priorities of the minister, he wants his hands untied to get there if need be.
The Μουζάλας and it is to his credit, does not belong to the category of professionals of the policy usually appear reassuring and assured that everything is under control. The opposite is true. He sees what’s coming and opening the question of an emergency situation do two things:
First of all, preparing public opinion for the caging of thousands of refugees in Greece. Yes, he gave a specific number, speaking for 70,000 refugees. This means it has the components that make up a very specific picture of the situation. Nobody can blame you for trying to sensationalize communication issue, when the refugee flows to Greece continue, with all of their northern neighbours to keep closed their borders. Practically, this means that if we don’t stem these flows from the operations of the NATO – something for which everyone have serious reasons to doubt – then very soon the whole country will turn into a deep hot spot. The image of the national road with the refugees to πεζοπορούν to the northern border of the country is only the prologue to the “main theme” that we’ll soon see.
Secondly, in the exceptional conditions that are formed objectively it would be a disaster scenario waiting for things to work with the conditions and rhythms of the bureaucracy of the public. Not only is the theme of some of the necessary recruitment, in which the focus of some criticism. It’s definitely something much more than that. As demonstrated so far, the experience, the solution to the hot spots gave the army. The conditions will be created, if not agreed european solution for the refugee, should all those involved in the management of the issue to operate with the efficiency of the army. And for this, in my opinion, in essence, we are talking about a de facto policy of conscription.
Surprising perhaps to many is the fact that the minister of a left government is moving in this direction, as are issues that cause “allergy” in the specific political space. It is fortunate that the Μουζάλας does not exhibit the obsessive attitude of the rest of his colleagues in the matters of its competence. When a situation gets you can’t sit to look at and to deal with theories or with the apathy of the “sun” as the predecessor. That’s why in spite of any reactions occur, I hope that the Μουζάλας you have to go to the end. When the country is facing the greatest crisis in its recent history after the second World War it would be criminal for the political leadership of the country is placed in terms of “literary living room”. This is why, in my opinion, the “emergency situation” which, it seems, starts from Attica with the political tolerance of Δούρου, you need to quickly be extended to the regions of Northern and Southern Aegean, where the two blue governors until today against the issue, there have been absolutely … decorative. Someone should make “the boss” and since you can’t or don’t want the local governors, it is the obligation of the central government to take the situation into her own hands.
Finally, because all will be judged at the level of audacity, should, in my opinion, the Μουζάλας to break another taboo. The installation of camps/refugee camps (a little bit of the importance of the ratings) in the mainland has a limit that if exceeded will trigger reactions of the local population. There is a first warning. So we have to get on the table and the utilization of uninhabited islands – no remote but relatively close to Athens – to meet such needs. And as fast as you created them the necessary infrastructure for living, the better for everyone…

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