Cyprus: Selling to the refugee of their home to be beside their daughter

The good news did not bring joy of life to father minor, who is scheduled to undergo a bone marrow transplant.
marrow in about a month in Rome. The finding of a second compatible donor, which allows the realization of the transplant, the pleased for a moment, but then he felt like he was losing the unequal battle to secure the resources they need to stand on the side of the child, the difficult days that you will be abroad.
A convention refugee and his wife, decided to proceed to a sale of the refugee house in Platy Aglantzias, in order to ensure the 50-60 thousand euro, calculated that it will take he and his wife or other relative of the person, in order to stay on the side of the small-Lucia Helena in Italy, many months as it takes until you have successfully completed the transplant process.
The father of the little Anthony Luke Ζάκου said the “F” that all expenses for the transplant are covered by the state, such as a plane ticket for himself or his wife, together with an allowance of €500 per month, but the wish of the family is like on the side of the small-Lucia Helena during his stay in Italy, is to be both parents.
In an effort to accumulate the necessary money, have requested permission to conduct a fundraiser, but their request was rejected. “If you are afraid that the proceeds of the fundraiser are not to be used for the purpose for which this will take place, why don’t you give the consul of Rome for us to manage that and to provide us with food and accommodation while we’re in Italy on the side of the child?”, wonders.
The father of the little Lucia Helena, parliament also urges the member help him to have at his side during his stay in Italy, and a translator in order to communicate adequately with physicians of his daughter. “Too much to ask?” he questions again.

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