Crete: Increased values in particulate concentrations from the dust transported

Scientists in the see an increase in concentrations of suspended particles in recent times and are knocking on the alarm bells… The Department of Public Health of the Region of Crete, with its announcement, draws attention to the citizens, as based on the measurements carried out in the network ” PROJECTS” of the Region of Crete in collaboration with the University of Crete and the Polytechnic of Crete, increased prices of AS10 concentrations are observed as a result of transferred dust to the region of the Eastern Mediterranean. Concentrations, reportedly, are expected to be increased today Wednesday 27 March and tomorrow 28 March throughout Crete and especially in western Crete (over 50 μg/m3), based on the forecast of air quality. The evolution of the phenomenon is closely monitored , as noted by the project network. “The Service will be reinstated with newer instructions in accordance with the circular of the Ministry of Health No:D1(d)/GPC 10655 “Recommendations for the protection of Public Health from smog episodes” as soon as the forecasts are finalized in relation to the excess values of particulate matter (AS10),” the announcement says. In addition, depending on the level of estimated 24-hour concentrations, recommendations and measures include, inter alia, restricting intense exercise especially outdoors, for cardiopaths and people with respiratory problems, but also the use of inhalations, a relief medicine.

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