Could your smartphone save your life?

The University of Guelph and Google thanks to cooperation, is ready to save our lives. as reported by the…
The leading Professor of Engineering Peter Σπάχος (Corfu) and the research team are exploring ways to transform smartphones into devices in which the χαρακτιριστικα of the screen with the correct encoding and with dozens of different sensors that have if programmed correctly, they have the ability to collect information about the physical condition of the user.

The lens of the camera can record the light that goes to the skin for the assessment of heart rate. The microphone can record the sound of a person snoring and to assess the sleep. etc
Professor Peter Σπάχος stresses, “We’re in collaboration with students and researchers from various disciplines who understand the human mind and body, too.”
People often don’t think about the many different sensors that have smartphones, ” says Professor Peter Σπάχος
See detailed research here.

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