Continues for the 5th day of the hostage-taking by armed men in a police building in Armenia

Dozens of people, including opposition to the Armenian president serzh sargsyan, were arrested today in Yerevan after a night…
violent episodes between police and demonstrators, who were protesting about the way in which it is managed by the authorities of the hostage-taking, which continues for the fifth day in a police building.
Last night, the protesters were attacked by throwing stones at police officers deployed around the building in Yerevan, in which they have been barricaded since Sunday, armed men associated with the opposition, who are holding 4 hostages, according to a journalist of the French Agency.
The protesters, who are angry about the way in which it manages the government this hostage, demanding that the authorities to settle this crisis in a peaceful way. The police responded with tear gas and grenades stun.
At least 51 people, including 29 policemen, were injured in the clashes, according to the latest report published by the ministry of Health.
“What happened is unacceptable”, said today during a cabinet council, the prime minister of Armenia Οβίκ Αμπραμιάν, statements which invoke today the local media. It is impossible to secure real change with violence”, he noted.
About 2,000 people were still protesting as the dawn before the police intervened to tackle the riots, break their concentration and proceed to dozens of arrests.
At least 15 opposition the moderate party Agreement Citizens are among the detainees, said today to journalists the leader, the member Nicole Πασινιάν.
The US state department condemned the “appeal to violence” and called on the government “to manage the situation by showing restraint”.
These conflicts between police and demonstrators broke out while continuing the episode hostage. Sunday morning a group of armed men associated with an opposition who is in prison, the Τζιραΐρ Σεφιλιάν, invaded a police building in Yerevan, killing a police officer, and arrested many of the hostages and calls for the resignation of president Σαρκισιάν. Four hostages have been freed in the next few days.
However, four people, including two high-ranking police officers, the deputy chief of the national police Vardhaan Εγκιαζαριάν and the deputy chief of police of Yerevan Valery Οσιπιάν, continue to be detained.
The gunmen, who have access to a large arsenal of police, invited the Armenians to take to the streets to support their request. Already since Monday, more than 1,500 people have come down to the streets to protest against the government and to seek a peaceful resolution of the crisis.
The Τζιραΐρ Σεφιλιάν, who was arrested in June for possession of weapons, accused also that he planned the occupation of government buildings and centres of telecom.
Small-time opponent of the government, the Σεφιλιάν had been arrested and 2006 and was jailed for 18 months after making a request for the “overthrow of the government by force”. Last year he was arrested again on suspicion of preparing a coup d’état, a little later, however, he was released.
The Armenian origin Τζιραΐρ Σεφιλιάν born in Lebanon where he fought in the civil war during the 1980s. Then she moved to Armenia to take part in the war against Azerbaijan for control of the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.
Ex-military, the president Σαρκισιάν was elected in 2008 and the election, which was contested by the opposition, caused riots that were a result of ten people to lose their lives.

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