Consultation is coming on the design of the digital dispatch card

In public consultation , the draft ministerial decision on digital , according to ERT , is expected to be put in place this week . The reason for the new electronic monitoring system for products traded. This system will enable controllers to know – in real time – the type, volume, value, manner and destination of a consignment as the handwritten bulletins identified cases where other products recorded the consignment note and others were transported. Weight falls mainly on agricultural products and building materials where extensive tax evasion cases are identified. The proposed project will determine the scope of application, the entry into force of the new rules, the content of digital traffic documents, as well as the obligations and specifications to be met by professionals and businesses. With the publication of the digital dispatch card via myDATA platform, tax authorities are equipped with another weapon in the fight against tax evasion as all transaction details will be sent to the AADE, where they will be available to the audit authorities. Digital clientele At the same time within the year the tax control mechanism will have in its hands the digital clientele that will premiere by Catering companies and event organizers and then expand to other categories of professionals. Although no definitive decisions have yet been made on the list it is possible to join professionals who previously kept additional books which were abolished in 2013 such as doctors, physiotherapists-sensors, gymnasiums, nursing homes, parking, garages and vehicle rental businesses and tutorials. With the digital clientele the audit authorities will trace the proceeds of professionals and cross-reference them with their tax returns in order to identify cases of income concealment. With the new system professionals will be obliged to keep the digital clientele available in the audit and compare with the tax profile. It is essentially an accounting programme that will be open during the operation of the professional establishment and will be interconnected with the Taxis in order to prevent the data from being breached and corrupted. In this way the number of customers of each professional will be recorded and compared to the number of proofs of service that will be issued and passed on the MyData platform. Where it is found that a limited number of customers are declared in a professional establishment, this will mean a ‘pot’ for on-the-spot checks.

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