Compensation to the affected farmers within the November

In November will begin to be paid by the ELGA compensation to the affected farmers of Ilia, considers the…
president of the organisation, mr. Fanis Κουρεμπές.
“We are in the process of estimates will be made of the findings, and we believe that as soon as possible that you will be paid compensation from November, where we have findings. We believe that in the areas that have not had a lot of damage it will start in collaboration with the OPEKEPE to pay in November,” said the chairman of ELGA in an interview that giving to the ΑγροΤύπο.
As he said, within a week will be paid to all those affected, all of the prefectures of the compensation of 1.2 million euros expected at the end of September and includes losses from previous years as well as compensation for damages of the first quarter of 2016. Also mr. Κουρεμπές clarified when it will be paid compensation for ΠΣΕΑ years 2011 and 2012 and announced that from November it is expected to apply to given advances paid to the beneficiaries of compensation in order to receive faster help from the producers who pay the contributions and the need to cultivate…

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