Communication from the TE of Patras of the Greek COMMUNIST party for the Drama School of the THEATER

The announcement of the department of culture of SYRIZA, for the Dramatic the School of THEATER of Patras, is a new proof that confirms that the ruling party, has… no limit in an effort to slander and distort the reality where this is not in the measures.
The Government of SYRIZA that the policy leaves schools with hundreds of gaps in teaching staff, the University of Patras with a reduced budget by 70%, the TEI on the verge of closing, at the same time has the sensitivity and anxiety about the Dramatic School of the THEATER!!!
In the announcement they say that they agree with the inclusion of drama schools, in University departments , but they leave it to the “second coming”.
For now, call the Municipal Authority of Patras to increase the fees of Drama School.
Talk about degradation study of the Drama School of the THEATER when the 67 students of the school have 30 teachers!! At the same time the department of Theatre Studies of the university of Patras presents huge gaps while there are thoughts, even for closure.
The announcement of the department of culture of SYRIZA, through the slander, the misrepresentation, speaking of the salary of the new Artistic Director. Kazakou. Know of course that the fee is exactly the same with that of the previous one (i.e., mr. Th. Αμπαζή) and now appointed by the government of SYRIZA – ANEL, deputy artistic director of the national Theatre. Nevertheless they keep the lies flying with fixed regular mud in the fan, trying to create impressions. And if you try, however, we are not all the same.
Really know what to answer to the party of the 3rd memorandum, that breaks a whole people to unemployment , poverty , the slaughter of pension , the employment jungle of black labour, demeaning salaries.
Have no face to speak of culture? Disgrace People!

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