Coming up – less labor market


What changes provides the medium-term plan for employees in the private sector.

Real News – RSS Society

– Anonymous Press Release – Greece. – Message d’Anonymous (French + Greek Subtitles). – Anonymous # OpGreece: For too long we have been silent as our liberties and welfare are sold away. We can no longer afford to ignore the atrocities in Greece, for after Greece no single country will be left unharmed by the greed of the banking cartels and their corrupted pet governments. The time has come for us to choose how our children and generations to come will remember us. We come before you with a heavy weight upon our hearts and plead to your conscious, to do what you know to be morally, ethically, humanly and consciously right. Let us be united as one never divided against this malaise which plagues our society. For too long we are silent as the freedoms and prosperity are sold. We can no longer ignore the atrocities in Greece, because Greece after no country left unscathed by the greed of the banking cartels and corrupt governments. The time has come for us to choose how our children and later generations will remember us. We come before you with a great burden upon our hearts and speak to your conscience, do what you think right as synathropoi our moral, human and conscious. United together as one, divided by nothing against the disease that infects our society. – – Anonymous Francophone IRC # AnonOps. – Anonymat & S

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