COME on ΑΛΕΚΟ… What about those who paid in installments in the Online Athens? WHAT the…?

As of today no longer officially the Electronic Athens is declaring bankruptcy…
and ceases to work, leaving 450 workers jobless. The announcement from the company says something that maybe many are interested. What about those who paid in installments?
The company states that: “Despite the ongoing efforts of the company, the course of the economy, the further weakening of the purchasing power of consumers, the capital controls -among other things – strengthened the suspicion of foreign suppliers to the Greek enterprises, in combination with the position of the borrowing banks, making it impossible for the continued operation of the company.
The business plan, which συναποφασίστηκε from banks, suppliers and shareholders in April 2015, had created reasonable prospects for the recovery of the company. What happened from June 2015 onwards, undermined, and then canceled the act of any design”.
The padlock on the Online and in its stores, apart from the fact that it leads to unemployment 450 employees, creates and some of the questions consumers chose for their purchases.
First of all, what about the installments that they pay those who have bought from the online store (stopped working too), or some store of the company.
The answer is that the instalments continue to be paid normally, as well as the purchase of goods was made by credit card or through the issuance of consumer loan (in a few cases). That is, the installments that give the Electronic financed not from itself, but from the bank. So the debt continues to exist.
In any case, in such rapid developments, created some of the waste water. So, what will become of those who for example bought yesterday a tv or a refrigerator in installments with a card or with cash and have not received it yet? Can be found to pay instalments for a product that I have received

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