Closing date for offsets to the tax offices in mid-October

Spyros Dimitrelis
Barrage of complaints from taxpayers caused yesterday’s story of the… with regard to the hardship for thousands of people στιβαζόμενοι tax filings for a simple offsetting of a tax refund with the obligation of payment of ENFIA.
The suffering continues unabated and is expected to peak on 30 September, the next Friday that is, when, and ending the first of five instalments for payment of this year’s ENFIA.
According to complaints from taxpayers, the situation is unfortunately worse than that which was described in yesterday’s post. Taxpayer data are at the disposal of the has recently received a notice from the irs that informed you that the refund of the tax to which they are entitled was netted against the ENFIA.
The initial joy, however, was anger when they found that the taxisnet the amount of ENFIA, which will make it still stand, proudly, that he had not reduced due to the netting. The next move was to call the irs to find out what’s going on.
On the phone informed him that we need to visit the irs after a mistake has been made” and the amount συμψηφίστηκε will have to be returned after declare in writing a bank account. In fact, in many cases, the tax offices shall request and booklet despite the fact that many banks have them removed!
Yes, the one with the bank account at the request of the tax authorities, even in cases where the taxpayer asks for a refund from another tax in addition to income tax (for.x. return ENFIA due to the amending of a statement reduces the tax). And this despite the fact that many taxpayers declare a bank account in the statement of income tax for the case in which the occur amount of money returned.
Other taxpayers have complained that, in some authorities, as for example in the WORK of Chalandri, is applied to the system of… appointment for the offsets. Something like the appointment for the doctors of EOPYY. When closed, the date? The appointment shall be closed only in the presence of the taxpayer and are closed even for mid-October.
At least informed the public that after the netting even after the expiry of the first dose, they will not be charged surcharges for the late payment of ENFIA because it is preceded by a fixed amount tax return. And the truth is that one cannot blame the workers when the information systems of the General Secretariat of Public Revenues is not operating in accordance with the requirements that exist and lead to massive visits of the taxpayers to the tax offices, as it was the decade of the 80’s, before I even installed the first computers in the taxis.
All of the above highlight the following. The age of the internet, information technology and the much-vaunted independent General Secretariat of Public Revenue that will evolve with the mandates of the lenders to an independent tax authority, some things can’t be corrected. Moving independently at their own pace… Harrying the citizens who have in fact χρυσοπληρώσει and the treasure…