Clean Monday: What to watch when you buy cans with carats

At the gates is the (18 March) and most citizens have begun to procure traditional sarcostian dishes from supermarkets and fish stores. Apart from fresh or frozen products as well as those found in plastic containers (e.g. taramosalata, eggplant salad, halva), there are also those stored in . These are mainly for seafood catches (gavros, sardines, squids, octopus, tuna, smoked herring, mackerel, cloves), but also various others, such as dolmats forlandzi or even fava. Apart from seafood, the most common canned foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes, soups as well as meat. Thanks to canning the food is preserved for long periods of time with its packaging in airtight containers. The process may differ slightly from one product to another, but there are three key steps: Treatment : Food is peeled, sliced, chopped, chopped, removed, boned, shelled, or even cooked. Sealing : The processed foods are now in and sealed in cans. Heating : Cans are heated to eliminate harmful bacteria and prevent any deterioration in food. This process allows food to be safe for consumption for 1 to 5 years, or more in some cases. How cans affect nutrients There is the general feeling that canned foods are less nutritious than fresh, or frozen, but this is not the case, since canning retains most of the nutrients in the food. Therefore, proteins, carbohydrates and fat are not affected by the above procedure. Most metals and fat soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E and K, are also kept intact. However, because canning includes the exposure of cans to high heat, water soluble vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin B can be destroyed. On the other hand, these vitamins are sensitive to heat and generally to air, so they can be lost even during normal treatment, i.e. by simple cooking and storage methods used at home. At the same time, bisphenol-A (Bisphenol-A, or BPA) is a chemical commonly used in food packaging, as in cans. Research has shown that BPA in canned foods can be transferred from the lining of the metal container into the food we eat. According to a study in 78 different cans of food, it was found that there were small amounts of BPA in the content of food at over 90% of them. It also made it clear that the consumption of canned foods is the main cause of an individual’s exposure to the BPA. Although the data is unclear, some studies in humans have associated BPA with health problems such as heart disease, type-2 diabetes and male sexual dysfunction. All the above, of course, applies only if one consumes very large quantities of canned foods for a very long time. Only in this way can BPA quantities reach such levels as to cause health problems. What to watch when you buy cans When you go to the supermarket with your cart, it is important to take a few seconds and read the label and list of ingredients, since in several products, during the canning process, salt, sugar and preservatives are added. Some canned foods may have a high salt content, so people with high blood pressure need to avoid consumption. However, there are cans that indicate on their label ‘low sodium content’ or ‘without added salt’. Cans may also contain added sugar, which may have negative effects on the body of patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus, while sugar is associated with other diseases, such as obesity and heart disease. So the best solution to avoid extra sugar or salt is to drain and rinse the food when you remove it from the can. Finally, in the analytical guide issued by the EET for consumers during the Lent period, it is pointed out that when choosing cans of fish kept in the refrigerator or outside the refrigerator, you should be careful to be intact and sealed, without dents or swellings.