Clean Monday: What should be noticed if the kite gets involved in the wires

Time counts backwards for March 18th, as in a few hours it revives the traditional custom with its flying . However, you need to take into account certain instructions for your own safety, as the risk of your kite drifts from the winds and gets involved in electrical cables, an incident that can be fatal to your physical integrity and life. The two transmission and distribution managers draw the attention of the citizens, providing useful advice on flying the kite, as a number of people are expected to do “columma” in the countryside, while eating rabbits and sarcostian dishes. According to the Independent Power Transmission Operator (AED) and the Distribution Network Operator (DED) citizens, above all, should not fly the kite near High Voltage Pillars and Lines or near Substations, as there is a serious risk of electric shock, but also power failure in the wider area if the kite is involved in the wires. However, if the kite is involved in electrical cables, then: Do not attempt to release him, pulling the string or using other objects, even wooden ones. Do not try to climb onto high voltage pillars, scaffolds or power or electric lighting distribution poles, nor at points near electrical cables. In any case you will need help, notify the HEDNO damage through the 800 400 4000 and 11500 phone lines, via the MyDEDDIApp mobile application or through the online declaration of damage to the website. Alternatively contact the Police Department of the area.

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